And of course we also need a public that supports (or at least responsive to) contact tracing efforts. As we discussed in the previous posts for NC, with a large testing capacity and effective contact tracing, there might be a way to keep the state open without letting the cases explode. One thing we have not addressed is the state's contact tracing capacity. One of the implicit assumptions of our model is that regardless of how effective contract tracing is there are at least enough resources to try to track people who test positive and identify their close contacts. There are mainly two parts to contact tracing. One is interviewing individuals who test positive and identifying their close contacts, and the other is making follow-up calls to the close contacts in an effort to make sure that they are socially isolating, get tested, and are doing generally fine given their high-risk status. The following figure shows our projections for how many new COVID-positive cases will be identified each day until the end of the year assuming that the state will remain at Phase 2 level social distancing levels. (Note that with proper face covering measures and other precautions that state might be able to keep current Phase 2 level social distancing while continuing with its reopening plan.) These projections give us a sense of how many individuals contact tracers will need to interview each day and roughly how many close contacts they will identify. There are three curves each corresponding to a different level of contact tracing effectiveness.
As we can see from the figure, number of positive cases will peak some time in Fall and there will be more cases and thus more work for contact tracers if contact tracing is less effective.The following figure shows how many people will be in self-isolation due to contact tracing (and will need follow-up calls) each day until the end of the year.
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